I never got to finish that painting for Mom and Dad. I am gonna have to finish it sometime today and give it to them within the week. I just hope that they like it and appreciate it for all the hard work I put into it. I am also thinking of making more pictures like that. I guess I will have to wait and see. I need to get more small 5x7 canvas' too.
Today was fun. Took Miss Poppy to get her shots for her rabies renewal. I need to get her re-licensed with the City of Sacramento. Totally lame but the shot I got her was good for 3 years, so I don't have to go back there till some time in 2011! I'll be an old lady by then (well, technically 27, but still old to me).
We took our family photos which turned out awesome. I got the proofs via email not to long ago. I think the last time that the whole family got together for a traditional family photo (ones taken at a photography studio) was about 7 years ago... On my 18th birthday. Since then, we have all been busy with our own lives. My parents working, each one of us kids finishing high school and either heading into the workforce or in college... Its been hard to get us all together. We had fun tho. The photographer seemed to be too formal for my taste. Taking things a little too seriously. I think I could have done a better job there but, I don't work there, so yea.
We walked around the mall to kill some time after we took the photos. Paul even got me a mocha frappachino from Nordstrom's while he waited for the 5 of us to finish. We walked to Pottery Barn Crate and Barrel (apparently, Paul is reading this while I type and just had to correct me on the proper store we went to) and I got excited looking at place settings, glass ware, kitchen gadgets and bar accessories. We eventually headed over to Buca di Bepo for dinner with the family plus our significant others.
And dinner was something else. It was fun but slightly awkward at some points. It was nice to finally get to meet Matt's girlfriend. More about that later. Dad and I both took some pictures on our own cameras durring dinner, since my camera is in my car, it will have to wait till later in the day... And I have to ask Dad to email me those photos from his camera.
Before I go to sleep, I thought I would share a picture or 3 from the session today.Yes, the pyramid. We saw this pose out in the waiting area and were talking about it for a bit. When the guy said that he wanted to try something fun, we choose this one.
The only reason why Orion is in the middle is because Matt and I were both wearing black tops. The bracelet I wore had skulls on it and I had only painted one finger nail white just because... Maybe to add some class to my style.
Originally, I was supposed to be in Orion's position sitting on Matt's back but I just couldn't get that pose right. Orion volunteered (since he was lighter too) and I tried to cover Orion's dark leg hair with my big head.
Would have been a better picture had the glare in my glasses not have been noticeable.
I was this|close to wearing a red top too... Sure glad that I didn't.
Any who, when we were done, Paul and I went to Border's to return some books and buy some new ones using the store credit he received. I got one on Frida Kahlo. I told Paul that once I get my own house, I am gonna fill the books shelves with modern art books; like Frida, Cezanne, Monet, Manet, van Gogh, Picasso, Dali, Mondrian, Matisse, Pollack and Kandinsky to name a few. One day. Ugh. A girl can dream.
Now I really will go to sleep. Paul and the cats are already waiting for me there.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
What's the point of instruments... Words are a sawed off shotgun///
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