Tomorrow is the stupid Mayoral election. I am going to vote (I always do on any election, especially the presidential one coming up later this year) but I think I am going to vote for this one guy who is a Bail Bonds man (and I even think that he may have even spent some time in prison, hard core, huh?). I am just sick of seeing all these yard signs for Mayor Heather Fargo (for who my boss' boyfriend, Dale, is the campaign manager for) and the stupid bumper stickers (with the tacky juvenile font and design) and fundraisers (like one that my boss helped throw together for Heather at some gay club called Badlands called "Feathers for Heather" which had a theme of feather boas from what I understand). Anyways, I am just ready for this to be over with. Am I bitter? No, just tired of all these attack ads and stupid mailers and phone calls at all hours of the day. Tomorrow, it will be all quiet on the Western front. Finally.
I am not done with my painting yet. Soon tho. Promise. Here is yet another photo of whats been accomplished on it. I still think that Mom and Dad would will be proud to see this.I just need to add some more color on the top panel and do one last touch up on the whole thing. Not bad for someone who can't paint for shit.
And, Paul and I are going to see the Angels vs the A's this weekend... He surprised me today with 2 tickets for us to see them in Oakland. 3 weeks ago, we saw the Giants and the White Sox (which was a ton of fun). They are tickets for the 10th row in section 108 near the 1st base line (so I can see Casey Kotchman and all his hotness). All I need now is to make a big ass sign out of poster board and with magic markers and glitter saying something stupid about how I hear the team or something like that.
I have tons of camera phone pictures I should post one day... Maybe tomorrow after I go vote. Maybe. Time to read and sleep. Stupid period. Be gone.
Monday, June 02, 2008
When I am king you will be first against the wall///
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