Lets see...
This weekend (in a nut shell):
Went out with Paul after work to see Kung Fu Panda. I love the Asian culture, action movies (Jackie Chan is one of my favorites) and animations, so I knew I was up for some good times. I should have left work at 5pm and headed into traffic but it didn't help that I waited till work was done to get an adjustment by Dr. I sat in the room for about 20 minutes waiting to get adjusted so I could leave (the reason why I got adjusted was because my left side has been hurting since last Tuesday and he saw me earlier that morning and it helped a lot, so I thought that getting one before I left would be good for the weekend, which, I was wrong). I think I was very close to just walking out, but I waited, got adjusted and then left. When I was stuck in traffic, I tried to get Paul to get me some regular clothes (which he couldn't cause my closet is huge) so when I got in the apartment, I took 2 minutes to get changed and back out the door. We managed to have enough money in change (yes, including quarters) to see the last matinee showing at the theater by the house. We love the movie. The animation was really done well. There were some scenes that I forgot that it was a cartoon. I had fun.
After the movie, we continued the 'panda' theme and went to Panda Express for dinner. We had fun talking about the movie over dinner, remembering our favorite scenes and quotes. When we were done, we went to the mall so that I could get a new t-shirt for the Angels/ A's game the following day. I ended up getting 2 shirts (they were on sale 2 for $30) one was a red Angels shirt and the other was a dark blue San Diego Chargers shirt that looks like Shawne Merriman's jersey. We then drove to Borders to kill some time (since it was only 9pm). We hung out some, I was looking for books to read and Paul was looking for a book that I wanted to read but he and I forgot what it was called. While there, we saw some crotchety old douche bag yell at a father who's infant baby (must have been a month old at least) was crying. Poor dad was watching his infant and young toddler and was attempting to watch his kids while the mom was shopping. I ended up getting a book called 'The Black Dahlia' by James Ellroy and an audio book of David Sedaris' 'Naked'.
The game on Saturday was a blast. We got lost on the way to the Oakland Coliseum somehow by taking the wrong freeway. How many freeways with the number 80 do we need?. I got to see Casey Kotchman during batting practice along with Vlad, Torii, Weaver and others. I even ended up staying up till about 2am making a double sided sign to hold up during the game too (I watched 'Clueless' too while crafting my sign)...Casey didn't end up playing till the top of the 9th inning. But the boys won. There was fireworks after the game which made their victory much more sweet for me. The seats were awesome too. We were in the 10th row right off the 1st base line. I only wish that Casey was there for me to swoon over. I did take a bunch of pictures and I just need to edit them.
Sunday, we just lounged around. Watching the last game of their series. They ended up loosing in the 12th inning, but Casey did play. I want to take Paul to see a game at Angels Stadium in Anaheim someday. *sigh* One day. I know I will have a blast there.
Any who, we might go to Paul's aunt/uncle's cabin this weekend and come back on Father's Day to see my Papa.
I have much more to write... But I'll save it till sometime tomorrow. I start school tomorrow too. *joy*
Monday, June 09, 2008
Have your people call my people...
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