Its pouring outside. I love the sound of rain at 3am!
4.0M Earthquake Centered Near Dublin Felt Across the Bay
42 minutes ago
nothing is static|everything is evolving|everything is falling apart
Its pouring outside. I love the sound of rain at 3am!
..:: Manda @ 3:37 AM 0 comments
Tags: Wireless
Long time no write...
Paul graduates on Friday.
Love doing gardening at my home.
Was accepted to Sac State and also got lots of wonderful grants to pay for college (translation: I don't pay shit).
Finding it fun at my new job with the government.
Still happy and glad that I don't work for stuck up a-holes anymore! June 1 will be 6 months since I have been fired and I have never been happier!
..:: Manda @ 11:08 PM 0 comments
Tags: 2010, quickie bear