Happy New Years.
Only 1.5 more hours... I am on my 2nd Screwdriver. I am enjoying the Vodka and Orange Juice. I am feeling a little woozy now.
Time for our NYE tradition; Buca de Beppo pizza and lots of drinks. And a marathon of How I Met Your Mother.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
NYE 2008
..:: Manda @ 10:33 PM 0 comments
Tags: drunk blogging
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
In the strangest fashion... you start a chain reaction///
Song of the day: Mute Math> Noticed
So, I am currently packing things up for the big move to St. George. What a way to spend my vacation! Anyways, I have been listening to Pandora and heard a song by Mute Math that I love so much... Enjoy!
Careful - when you open
it's easy to be broken
In the strangest fashion
you start a chain reaction
You look my way- something's bounding her way
& I wonder if I ever felt this before
& all this time oblivious
to what you make so obvious
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before...
You are reaching for something that is beating
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
Over & again, racing out of my skin
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
At least until I never noticed
You & Your ways
capture what I've misplaced
In the perfect fashion
Just watch my heart's reaction
This point of view is nothing that I'm used to
& I won't close my eyes cause they're onto you
All this time it was staring me blind
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
You are reaching for something that is beating
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
Over & again, racing out of my skin
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
Atleast until I never nooticed you
The only time I ever noticed my heart
Is when I noticed you
The only time I ever noticed my heart
Is when I noticed you
You are reaching for something that is beating
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
Over & again, racing out of my skin
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
..:: Manda @ 11:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Things I love: #2871
Things I love:
I don't think I have said this before, but Ben Affleck as Keith Olbermann on SNL is classic. Another reason why I love Olbermann.
..:: Manda @ 11:27 PM 0 comments
Tags: things i love
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I want a girl with extensions in her hair... Bamboo earrings, at least two pair///
Song of the day: LL Cool J> Around The Way Girl
So, I am at the point where I want to start selling all those crocheted bags I have been making out of plastic bags. I have about 12 now, all different sizes and colors and styles... I don't know how much money I would be making but I think that I should get rid of them. I could use the extra money too.
I am happy that I am making some money off the things I sell at half.com tho. I know it isn't going to make me millions or anything like that, but having some money is better then having no money and lots of unwanted music, movies and books in my closet. I just wish that more people would buy my things.
..:: Manda @ 11:29 AM 0 comments
Tags: crocheting, half.com, money
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Birthday Update!
I am off to take a shower in a bit but I wanted to recap on Birthday '08:
-Paul got me Little Big Planet for the PS3... It was soooo fun! Sack Boy is so cute!
-Had birthday lunch at work w/ Dr D and Sara @ Lucca's... Got $500 bonus from Dr including a cute leather cat coin purse and a bronze leaf necklace and cat butt magnets.
-Paul took me to see "Slumdog Millionaire" at the Tower Theater. It is now one of my favorite movies of the year. I hope it wins
-We went to Rick's Dessert Diner off K Street for some early birthday cake and coffee.
-Paul took me out to Lucca's again for diner.
-Went to an art gallery since it was 2nd Saturday.
-Went to Safeway to get some munchies and a birthday bottle of Skyy vodka!
..:: Manda @ 3:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Things I love:
The celebs who have the same birthday as myself.
via Dlisted:
Morris Day (51)
Taylor Swift (19)
Nellie McKay (24)
Amy Lee (27)
Tom DeLonge (33)
Debbie Matenopoulos (34)
Christie Clark (35)
Jamie Foxx (41)
Steve Buscemi (51)
Wendie Malick (58)
Ted Nugent (60)
Christopher Plummer (79)
Dick Van Dyke (83)
12/13 = awesomeness!
..:: Manda @ 10:50 AM 0 comments
Tags: things i love
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
C: What does a little Mexican girl love more than anything else in the world? D: Hmmmmmmmmm... tacos.
So in a few days, I will become another year. December 13th. The big 2-5. I know to some, the simple fact of having another birthday isn't much to write home about or to even contemplate for that matter. I have never really been a huge fan of birthdays. I usually like to keep the event low key and something small that I only share with my family and close friends (if I have any).
Lately, I have been thinking about things in my life a little more in depth then I usually do. I suppose this is my quarterly epiphany. I usually go thru this spell of being happy and content for several months on end and then suddenly, out of the blue, something happens and I end up questioning my path of life. The topics range from my academic goals, career aspirations, lack of friends and my romantic life with Paul.
I have come to one realization. Despite how immature I may think I am, I am more of a grown up then a lot of adults I know in the world. I just wish that more people thought of me the same way.
Ugh. 4 more days till I can finally rent a car in America!
..:: Manda @ 2:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 06, 2008
She don't believe in shooting stars but she believes in shoes & cars///
Song of the day: Kanye West> Flashing Lights
Look... It's me!
Yes, I know. I look like an uber dork!
I was doing my Miley Cyrus pose.
I wish I had more time to update, but it's 1am & the bed is beckoning me.
Next week:
-Final in Art History class (Thursday)
-Birthday/ Christmas party @ work (Thursday)
-Speech in Public Speaking class (Monday)
-Birthday (Saturday)
Ugh. The Girls Next Door is on... Gag. Shoot me now.
..:: Manda @ 12:51 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
good night.
i am back in Sacramento. joy.
3 days it took to finish book 2 in the Twilight series (New Moon). score.
13 days till my 25th. lame.
2 more weeks of school. sweet.
3 more weeks till Christmas vacation. fuck-yeah.
time to go to sleep. thank-gawd.
..:: Manda @ 11:34 PM 0 comments
Tags: random
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I wonder why I'm so caught off guard when we kiss... I'd rather live my life in regret then do this///
Song of the day: Jimmy Eat World> Disintegration
I have thought long a hard what to write about my latest movie experience yesterday afternoon. I am lucky to have seen a lot of really good movies this year (Be Kind Rewind, Burn After Reading, Cloverfield, Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Iron Man, Kung Fu Panda, Tropic Thunder, Pineapple Express, The Dark Knight, Role Models). It helps that I have a great boyfriend who has good taste in music and movies. There have been some movies that I weren't too sure about which I ended up loving so much (like Burn After Reading), but still, the movies haven't been any lower then I expected. That was until yesterday.
I admit that I saw Twilight yesterday. The only reason why I got into the book was because of my co-worker, Sara. I love her to death. When she started to read the Twilight books (technically, I have only read book 1 and I am currently on New Moon, book 2), she told me how good they were and that I should give them a read sometime. Being that I was going to school with 2 hard classes at the time, I didn't have too much time to add another reading material to my ever growing list of books. I put it on the back burner of my world till about a month ago. I ended up dropping a real hard math class and had some time free to finally get to that book. I started it earlier this month and I managed to finish the book the day before the movie came out. Paul had promised me that he would see the movie with me if I had finished the book before the movie movie came out. I did win the bet, but I came to the conclusion that he wouldn't like to be stuck in a teenage movie for about 2 hours. I decided to go at it alone and have a day out to myself at the matinée showing. I figured that if I didn't like the movie, it would be better to spend $7 as apposed to $10 and having Paul not be into the movie as well.
My goodness. I wanted to like the movie so much and so badly. I couldn't do it. I figured that it wouldn't be as I imagined it because of its PG-13 rating... But it was just so bad on so many levels.
Things I hated/ were appalled by:
- The cutting of important scenes and parts from the book. There was one part in which Edward tells Bella why he has been avoiding her, which happened over the course of few weeks and in the movie, it was like 2 days. The other scene I was upset about was at the end in which Edward takes Bella to the prom. In the book, Alice helps Bella get ready by doing her hair, letting her borrow her dress and heels... Oh yeah, that part was missing including her heel (she had a walking cast on her other foot) which was replaced by a freaking Converse Chuck Taylor.
- Carlisle's history was completely left out!!!
- The families history was left out too! Seriously.
- The "animal" attacks never happened in the book (I think I would remember such an event as people being killed randomly) & totally threw me off track.
- The acting was horrid. Oh my goodness, I know that the characters are young adults, but they could have put more feeling into their performance. Bella was so dry and dull, nothing like the book portrays her. Edward was too full of himself, which I understand is partly done to keep Bella away from him. The dad (Charlie Swan) was entertaining. He was a dull character too but he played a Dad who hasn't been in his child's life and the performance seemed to fit that ideal.
- The soundtrack sucked. Of all the songs in the whole world, the list they presented the world was pathetic. I could come up with something better then what came out. I am so influenced by music, and there are others that could have been added that would have made a better impact then what actually was.
- They spliced scenes and put them in different orders. In the book, Edward meets Bella's dad before he takes her to meet his family... In the movie, Edward takes her to meet the family first and then he meets Charlie.
- The "special effects" were bad. Like painfully bad. The part with Edward running was funny for the wrong reasons. & the 'Meadow Scene' was a joke when Edward was 'glistening & sparkling'.
- The following scenes lacked important info :La Push, The Cullen House, The Prom, The Hotel, The Airport, The Meadow, The Hospital.
- One of the most important lines in the book was missing completely: When Alice says the following to Bella when James is coming after her:
It’s been almost a century that Edward’s been alone. Now he’s found you. You can’t see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?"
Anyways, Other then that, I gave it a 2 of 5 "stars". It could have been so much better
In other news, I got my eyebrows waxed again @ Macy's, new nail polish @ Hot Topic (which I went in to see Nancy & bitch to her about the movie too) and new mascara (red) @ Ulta. I need to work on the speech for tomorrow. I know I will suck when I present it.
..:: Manda @ 11:44 AM 0 comments
Tags: books, movie review, movies, my day, rant, things i hate
Saturday, November 22, 2008
There is something I see in you... It might kill me; I want it to be true///
Song of the day: Paramore> Decode
So, I think I will see the movie by myself. I haven't been to a movie alone in such a long time. I think it will be good to get out of the house and let Paul do his own thing and me to do my own as well.
3 weeks to the day before I turn 25. I feel like such a child sometimes tho. *sigh*
..:: Manda @ 11:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Maybe this problem points towards some larger trend///
Song of the day: We Are Scientist> It's A Hit
SO, I finished reading "Twilight" last night. And I am ashamed to say that I put reading that book before my Speech and Art History classes. which is a bad thing.
I am 3rd to speak on Monday (but, I do get to finally get it over and done with instead of waiting much later to present) but I have yet to practice anything or make my visual aide. I have a world of work a head of me come this weekend. I know I will do fine. I have one of the highest grades in the class. I just need to get my shit together. After this presentation, I only have one more left, which happens to be my final. *sigh*
Tonight is yet another test in my Art History class. I think I will be fine. I will do some reviewing later on tonight. I know that I will be fine. Paul likes to make fun of me because I haven't really done any studying and yet, I have gotten good grades on everything.
..:: Manda @ 9:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Bloc Party is coming to town (Oakland is close enough) the same day as my Art History final.
..:: Manda @ 7:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I'm just saying, hey Mona Lisa... Come home you know you can't Rome without Caesar///
Song of the day: Kanye West> Flashing Lights
Oh Mr Kanye West. You have a way with words.
"Feeling like Katrina with no FEMA
Like Martin with no Gina
Like a flight with no visa
First class with the seat back I still see ya"
Martin with out Gina... Classic.
..:: Manda @ 11:16 PM 0 comments
Tags: music
I am here to change your goals... I regret it, but they're not done///
Song of the day: NERD f/ Julian Casablancas & Santogold> My Drive Thru
-1 month from today is my 25th birthday.
-I have a headache today and have had one since Tuesday.
-I had a disturbing dream involving myself, an x of mine (which I don't remember who he was) and Meghan McCain... Odd combination, I know. I think Starbucks was involved in there too.
-I need to get my eyebrows done again. I am getting all weird in the eyebrow department.
-I am hungry and need a Monster & a bag of Cheddar and Sour Cream chips.
..:: Manda @ 9:38 AM 0 comments
Tags: rant
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Things I love: #1249...
Things that make me happy:
-I got a 98% on my Art History midterm. To be honest, I didn't study at all except for the fact that I rewrote all my notes (which in 3 weeks, I had about 20 pages of notes) during the weekend. All I need to do is keep up the good work and also get started on my final paper and I should be in the clear from then on.
-Vacation time is coming up sooner then it feels like. Soon, I will be in Los Angeles for Thanksgiving for 3 days... Then on to Christmas vacation for about 2 weeks and then today, my boss told me that he is going to take some time off in January so he can go to Washington DC to see Obama's Inauguration on January 20th. 3 more days of no working (score)
-My 25th birthday is coming up soon... 1 month from Thursday. I will be at my "quarter life" (assuming I live to be 100). I think I want to get a tattoo as a gift to myself. My goals for the end of the year are to save $2000 in my savings account (which I am about $150 away from that) and to open up a Roth IRA for my retirement.
-Paul and I are talking about going on a trip next winter, around Christmas time 2009. We are debating on either Marseilles, France or Vienna, Austria. I am looking at spending about $1200 to $1600 just on the plane ticket alone. The good thing is that Paul has an Aunt & Uncle who live in France & Austria which will take care of the lodging expenses. All I need now is a passport! My goal is to save about $3000 for this trip... I think I can do it.
..:: Manda @ 9:46 PM 0 comments
Tags: school, things i love, travel
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The same place animals go when they die///
Song of the day: Arcade Fire> Keep The Car Running
-Saw the movie "Role Models" with Paul. I loved it.
-Had the most awesome nachos at Dos Coyotes.
-Dad's 49th birthday... We got him a new sheet music journal (to write music in) and a mini flask.
-Heard way too much information about my brothers.
-Watched some football with Paul
-Had a nice little lunch at The Bread Store.
-Went to the labyrinth for my paper that I have to write in my Art History class.
-Saw Murray and Inky at Paul's Uncle/Aunts house.
-Met Paul's Uncle Glenn while looking at his other uncles house that's being remodeled.
-The San Diego Chargers won today...
-& so did the Sacramento Kings (it's about gd time!)
-Beasley bit me today... He is too cute to be mad at tho.
-I think I found the newest classes I am going to take this semester.
- Art History 308 - Renaissance Tradition in Art; Wed 7-10:05pm @ ARC
- Art History 300 - Intro to Art; Tu/Th 6-9:10pm @ Natomas (1st 8 weeks)
- English Writing 301 -College Compostition and Literature; Tu/Th 6-9:10pm @ Natomas (2nd 8 weeks)
Oh yea, I have an A in my Speech class... 98.43%. I wish I knew what I got on my midterm in my Art class.
Oooooo, Kill Bill Vol. 2 is on! Score. Manda = 1; World = 0
..:: Manda @ 10:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 07, 2008
...things i hate...
Things I hate:
-Lindsay Lohan movies. I think I have seen about 3 of her movies in the last week on tv (Mean Girls, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen & Freaky Friday) and I have never been so embarrassed in my life... Not because I am wasting my time when I could be doing other things (like working on my Speech paper or finishing that Twilight book that I am now about half way done with) but because she is a horrible actress. I feel bad for her. It just makes me so sad.
-The Girls Next Door... So many things are wrong with that show. From the controlling bitch named Holly, to the stupid retard Kendra and the ditzy blond Bridget. Banging an old bag of skeletons must be a hard job. This show is what makes this country so bad.
..:: Manda @ 10:39 PM 0 comments
Tags: things i hate
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Team Obama FTW!
I found out at 8pm last night as I was leaving my Art History class for the night. I am proud to have voted for this amazing person and also that my youngest brother at the age of 19 took part in the most important election of our lives.
Horray for a day off!
Manda = happy!
..:: Manda @ 8:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Never gonna give you up... Never gonna let you down... Never gonna run around & desert you///
Song of the day: Rick Astley> Never Gonna Give You Up
All is not quiet on this Western front... Life is something else right now. I wish I knew what it was.
I voted this morning. I got the okay from my boss to take some extra time to go and vote since I work from 8am to 5pm and then go to class from 6pm to 9pm. I couldn't find time to vote, so I did it this morning. The place I go to usually is on the low key side. Very quiet. It's at a Fire Station about a block away from my apartment. I went in and voted. When I was done, I gave my ballot to one of the volunteers and we put it thru the scanner thing... It said I was the 52nd person to vote since 7am. I said something to the volunteer and he told me that the last election (which was about 5 months ago in June) that only 38 people voted all day... Paul and I were 2 of those 38 people... Sad. Today, I wear my sticker proudly and will have a spot on my computer monitor when I get home tonight.
Work has been okay. It's gonna be a busy day because Dr is taking tomorrow off to recuperate after this long and hard campaign and election season. It has been a trying time for everybody. I am glad that it is finally winding down and will soon be over. I pray that Obama wins and that history will be made, but if McCain wins, things might be interesting in a bad way I think.
When I got home for lunch, I parked my car and noticed there were some Kevin Johnson canvassers in the area trying to get into my apartment complex. I went in another gate and when they saw me, they asked if I could let them in. I told them that they needed to go to the front office if they needed to get in. I turned around to walk up the stairs and the lady asked me "Is your name 'Lupe'?" and I turned around and told her that was the most rude thing I have ever been called... She said that she didn't mean it that way, but she was looking for someone named 'Lupe'. I yelled at her again and told her to go to the office. They left but I was so livid when Paul got home to meet me for lunch.
So, only 3 more hours till I get to go home... Well, go to school and take my midterm in Art History. I just want to get my free coffee at Starbucks, free ice cream at Big Spoon and free chicken sandwich at Chick-Fil-A. If all else fails, I have a frozen pizza in the freezer with my name on it!
Why can't this day move faster!!!
..:: Manda @ 1:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 02, 2008
its Orion's 19th birthday & also Dia Del Los Muerto
Manda = happy
..:: Manda @ 2:38 PM 0 comments
Tags: my day
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Open your eyes and look at the day... You'll see things in a different way///
Song of the day: Fleetwood Mac> Don't Stop
Things I love:
-Mark Sanchez... On CNN. He said something so funny today while I was watching his show during lunch. I wish I had remembered what he said, but none the less, his love for myspace, twitter and facebook kills me.
-Free taco day at Taco Bell!!! I am so there today after work
-A patient just told me that I was very pleasant and that I was a good person... Which made me feel good about myself. I just wish that other certain people could acknowledge that fact too. It might make me a better person mentally
Anywho, I gave my presentation yesterday with my group (Travis & Ivory). I think we did kick ass! I just hope we got a good grade from Prof. Cantrell. I am glad that project is over. Now we have a "Civic Action Speech" as the next project. Only 2 more speeches to go.
Tonight is Art History class. I think we have a test/ quiz. But I know I will do good. I usually do. I have been rewriting my notes so I can study & also because when I write in that class, it is sloppy because I am usually rushing to get all the info down.
..:: Manda @ 2:50 PM 0 comments
Tags: school, things i love
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I want to sleep if you are awake... Still making believe that you aren't at all crazy///
Song of the day: Deftones> Battle Axe
OMG. What a day for me. I bet I should explain what happened today (well, technically I suppose it would be what had happened in the last 24 hours):
-Played video games from 11pm-ish till about 1am. I cant help it that I have become addicted to playing Grand Theft Auto for the PS3. It is so much fun, tho.
-Had to get up early to meet with Ivory from my Communications class and work on our 'Professional Presentation' speech that is due on Monday. It went well, I think. We worked from 10am till about 1pm getting our PowerPoint presentation finished and I worked on the outline while I could. We ended up getting a lot done but now we have to meet again with Travis to go over the thing as a whole group. Tomorrow = Starbucks on Folsom & 65th @ noon. Ugh.
-There was an Obama rally at the State Capitol today that started at 1pm today. I was kinda bummed that I didn't get to be there when it started. Another ugh.
-Drove down to see the Obama rally anyways even tho I was supposed to meet Paul at his Aunt and Uncles house in North Sacramento. I didn't really get to see anything from my car tho, so I headed to see Paul anyway. We went to have lunch at Subway and talked about politics and what not.
-We decided to head to the Obama rally anyways. When we had gotten there at about 2pm (yes, one hour later), there wasn't a lot of people like I had hopped. There were lots of people hanging out and relaxing on the West steps of the Capitol, but nothing else. Paul and I walked and talked around the Capital and decided to drive to Old Sacramento to visit Evangeline's but the traffic into Old Sac was nuts, and we headed back to the apartment.
-Before we made it home, we went to this restaurant supply store that I have always wanted to go into but never had the time. It was awesome in there. Interesting gadgets and supplies... If you owned a restaurant. I wish I had the money for that store.
-Headed home to relax and then headed back out to his Aunt and Uncles house to see their dog, Murry and hang out. We went on a long walk around the neighborhood, got complemented on my Obama shirt that I got last week and found some random guys social security card on the ground.
-Went to this sushi place called Crazy Sushi that is near us on Fulton Ave and really liked it a lot. I think we are going to head over to this place often. There was a couple who were doing lots of shots of sake with the sushi chef and being retarded and drunk.
-Watched Hell Boy, Game 3 of the World Series (boo Phillies) and SNL.
-When we ended up heading home to our house, there were lots of cops by the AM/PM on Watt and Auburn. I looked over because there were about 10 to 15 cop cars. All I saw was 1 white car near the pumps with the passenger doors open and a white sheet over something... There was dead body there, I swear!
-Bought a shirt from shirt.woot.com. Gotta love them pirates!
-That stupid Zone Ball is tonight. Lame!
Time to watch The Soup and head off to bed. Damn, I wrote a lot today. What a first.
..:: Manda @ 1:06 AM 0 comments
Tags: my day
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My heart was wrapped up in clovers the night I looked at you///
Song of the day: Etta James> At Last
Tonight is another day of classes. From 6 to 9ish... Then, I get to come home (maybe watch some of The Office and Sunny) and start this all over again BUT I have to meet with my group on Friday and Sunday to work out the kinks in our Business Speech due on Monday. As long as we make it to 8 minutes, we will be fine. Plus, I think our idea is unique and interesting. I hope the rest of the class thinks the same.
But anyways, tonight should be fine. I am getting sick apparently. I feel like a cat with a hair ball caught in the back of my throat. Should I get In & Out tonight before class? The choices are endless. Ugh. I should. I think I deserve it for once! Double Double, here I come!
..:: Manda @ 3:11 PM 0 comments
Tags: school
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
'Cause I never had too much money & I never been quite satisfied///
Song of the day: Willie Nelson> He Was a Friend of Mine
Random things that I love:
-dlisted.com: I love Michael K's way with words. He is my favorite blogger... Besides myself (ha).
-Rick Sanchez of CNN: His love of MySpace, FaceBook and Twitter as forms of commuincation to get 'younger people' to participate... My favorite quote of his "Let's go to the Twitter board..."
..:: Manda @ 4:30 PM 0 comments
Tags: things i love
Monday, October 20, 2008
She's weighin' but I know she's a loser... How do you know? Me & the crew used to do her///
Song of the day: Bell Biv Devoe> Poison
Another day is over. Thank goodness. In my communication class, we spent the whole time working on our group project that is due next week. The concept is to come up with a product or service (that hasn't been discovered yet) and convince the teacher to "invest" in our group. I think my group has a good thing going for it. We are going to meet on Friday and Sunday again to work out the kinks. I am pretty happy with how we are doing so far!
Art class starts tomorrow... Joy. I really am happy tho.
PS: I totally love Keith Olbermann
PPS: I got invited to a Halloween party. Fun, right?
..:: Manda @ 10:49 PM 0 comments
Tags: school
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Do Not Disturb...
For the next hour...
Nothing but studding...
I mean it this time!
Thank You.
PS: Congrats to the Rays!
Way to kick the Red Sox asses!
..:: Manda @ 5:38 PM 0 comments
I submit my incentive is romance... I watched the pole dance of the stars///
Song of the day: Interpol> Slow Hands
What a day... In a nutshell:
We went to Half Moon Bay for the Pumpkin Festival...
Then drove to Stanford in Palo Alto to visit the University...
And then came home.
..:: Manda @ 12:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Just a random note as I watch the last Presidential Debates...\
If McCain interrupts Obama one more time, I am gonna bust his fucking head open.
..:: Manda @ 6:51 PM 0 comments
Tags: election
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
We like the boom and don't you forget it///
Song of the day: L'Trimm> The Cars That Go Boom
I loved this song when I was in the 6th grade... It holds a special spot in my heart. I think of an old friend I had that I haven't seen in a while.
Only 3 hours stand in my way of going home to relax. I am lucky that I live so close to work (its roughly less then 5 miles away) . Well, I guess it doesn't help that it takes me about 30 minutes to get home during rush hour traffic. But that time does make for some interesting people watching and listening to the mp3 player. I used to watch videos on my mp3 player... But that became too risky when traffic became more and more unpredictable.
[more later]
..:: Manda @ 1:33 PM 0 comments
Tags: random
Sunday, October 12, 2008
& I've made hallways scenes for things to regret///
Song of the day: Interpol> Rest My Chemistry
Another lazy day. I wish I had more of these days in my life. I like the feeling that I can do anything I want whenever I want. One day I will get that experience. Not now... One day, maybe. But for now, my life resumes tomorrow morning at 7am and wont end till 5pm Friday afternoon. Joy.
I have been going thru my mp3 player and getting rid of some music that I haven't been listening to in a long time or music that I have grown out of. I still cant believe that I have a 30g mp3 player and it is almost full off 5500+ songs and 12 videos of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I think I need to expand my musical horizon and try new things. I think I am up for the challenge.
..:: Manda @ 12:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I know you love me you don't know what you like///
Song of the day: Death From Above> Romantic Rights
A quick update before I go to sleep
-Paul and I are back together.
-School is pretty decent.
-Got eyebrows waxed... And I look so cute
..:: Manda @ 11:39 PM 0 comments
Tags: random
Saturday, October 04, 2008
we broke up today.
for real this time.
i am in the process of moving my things out.
i didnt want it to end this way... i wanted to marry him.
7/25/06 - 10/4/08
..:: Manda @ 3:37 PM 0 comments
Tags: paul
She started talkin' shit, wouldn't you know, reached back like a pimp, slapped the hoe///
Song of the day: Easy-E> Boyz In Da Hood
Its 120am... What am I still doing awake?
Time to sleep and listen to the rain!
Note to self:
-Clean room
-Work on speech due on Monday
- File
..:: Manda @ 1:21 AM 0 comments
Tags: random
Thursday, October 02, 2008
If you don't like my lyrics you can press fast forward///
Song of the day: Jay-Z> 99 Problems
I have a lot of things on my mind... I am seriously debating on whether or not to write them in here. I know that this is my on blog, this is a place where I can freely write my thoughts and to know that they are my opinions at this moment. But I cant help to wonder if what I am thinking/ writing/ saying will be used against me. Deep down, I know that my words will be used against me... Its only a matter of when and where.
Never mind... I'll keep it to myself... Next topic?
I cant wait for the elections to be over. I am tired of the following words too:
- Maverick
- Change
- Reform
- Hockey Mom
- Ronald Reagan
..:: Manda @ 7:06 PM 0 comments
Tags: election, my day, things i hate
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
There is blood on all the shoes you've worn from the people you've been stepping on///
Song of the day: Death From Above 1979> Blood on Our Hands
A list of random things:
Today I just found out that Paul Newman died. It really made me sad to read that on my gossip sites. I have his Newman's Own salsa in the fridge... I think I will eat the rest of it in his honor. His food is real good. I'll always have a spot for him in my heart.
Last night I was thinking about death right before I went to sleep. I don't know what prompted this thought but I kept wondering what it will be like and what will become of me and my legacy. Maybe I am worried that I am not going to do enough in/with my life. Ugh.
I just heard Interpol's "Slow Hands" used in an Armani commercial with that douche bag Josh Hartnett. I think I died a little bit inside just now.
..:: Manda @ 9:17 AM 0 comments
Tags: rant, things i hate
Thursday, September 25, 2008
from the ipod touch...
Song of the day: death from above 1979> black history month
I had something interesting to post earlier that I was actually looking forward to writing about but that idea has come and gone. The sad thing about this whole thing is that "said topic" really made me happy. Ugh.
Minus 10 points for me.
One more day till the weekend. (thank you jebus)
Tonight is the premier of The Office. Every night, another TV show to keep me sane for one more day.
I think I am done ranting
I think the roommate ate my green beans. And that makes me a little upset. Not because I wanted to eat them (which, I wanted to do anyways because green beans are my all time favorite) but because I spend my hard earned money on food for Paul and myself and I know he didn't buy them or his grandma.
..:: Manda @ 7:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Breath out so I can breathe you in... Hold you in///
Song of the day: Foo Fighters> Everlong
The end to another day. Thank goddness. I am glad that it is finally fall and not summer. Don't get me wrong, I love the things that come with the summer seasons; like swimming, day light that never seems to go away, bbq-ing every night that we can. I am just not a fan of the hot days and I really am happy. Soon, it will be the holidays and then time for a new year of things.
And today it just hit me that in about 2 months I will be 25. Yeah. To be honest, I don't feel like I am any certain age. I just feel like me. Soon I will be at my quarter life. Gasp.
Project Runway is on. I haven't seen LL Cool J in the longest time. Paul kept joking that LL would probably make his abs make a guest appearance. I hope Kenley goes home. She is so effing rude and a one trick pony.
[edit] OHMYFUCKINGGAWD... The decided to keep fucking Kenley! I was so ready to punch a whole in the TV. If that bitch makes it to the final 3, I will punch my self in the stomach. Fo reals, yo.
[edit again] The Karate Kid is on (actually its The Karate Kid 2) and I am wanting a Cobra Kai tee shirt. I think the thought of watching this movie gets me happy and thinking about Halloween also. Snaps, Mr. Miyagi is from Okinawa Japan.
..:: Manda @ 7:40 PM 0 comments
Tags: life, movies, project runway
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
When blood coagulates it's time to operate///
Song of the day: Peaches> Operate
I am happy to report that the presentation that I gave the other day went well. Not bad for someone who was totally unprepared. I kept thinking about how bad I was going to do. I was real nervous. Up until the time I went to present, my hand felt like it was turning blue (the pinkie on my left hand to be exact). The whole time I was shaking as I was demonstrating how to crochet with plastic bags. I managed to present my speech with in the 3 to 5 minute time frame. My professor said that my speech was memorable and also interesting. (that made me smile)
So now I am watching House with Paul. Waiting for a dryer to be available down stairs... I burned myself while making mashed potatoes. I have a blister or something and its killing me. Ugh. How I wish I could just pop this fucking thing!
..:: Manda @ 8:36 PM 0 comments
Tags: school
Monday, September 22, 2008
Smokestack lightning out my window... I want to know what I've lost today///
Song of the day: Beck> Gamma Ray
Tonight is my presentation for my Public Speaking class. I am nervous to be honest. I hate talking in front of people, let alone 30 people who I don't know. I know I will be fine. But the anticipation is killing me. I just want to get this over and done with! Anyways, tonight is also the Chargers game on Monday Night Football... I wish I could see it! : ( And I need to do laundry like a mother fucker!
Ugh. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This degree better be worth it!
..:: Manda @ 5:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see///
Song of the day: The Beatles> Come Together
Ugh. People in this world are mean and crazy.
Things done today:
-Woke up, hooked up the new dvr and showered.
-Drove to Roseville for lunch @ Islands.
-Went to Fry's to get an ipod touch case for Paul...
-Took it back 5 minutes later because it didn't fit his.
-Went to Best Buy but they were just as useless as Fry's.
-Found new stores in Roseville across the street from the mall... One was the store Paul's dad works for in So. Cal & the other was a furniture place that we get catalogs to called West Elm and had gelato at this nifty store near by!
..:: Manda @ 11:34 PM 0 comments
Tags: my day
Friday, September 19, 2008
You know you own my body, but don't think that you control my mouth///
Song of the day: We Are Scientist> Textbook
A long time ago, I think I was about 20 (it was a month till my 21st birthday); I was dating this guy named Eddie. Back in the day, all I was doing was meeting up with random guys... More for the human contact then the pointless and forgettable sex... I liked being in the company of guys (Being raised around boys my whole life and being the only girl in a Masculine household had taken its toll on me apparently). Let me tell you... Eddie was a pretty kick ass guy. He practically was the polar opposite of me but we fit together so well. He was a white boy rapper type with tattoos drove an Escalade. He was the most fun person I have ever dated at the time and I totally adored this guy. I don't know if it was the fact that I was so mesmerized with the thought of being with someone this amazing or that I decided to settle with the first person who would have me...
We didn't know each other for very long before he proposed to me. I think we had known each other for 4 or 5 months. I honestly thought that he was going to me my future husband. That's what I get for watching stupid movies where the girl gets the guy. Anyways, Eddie proposed to me in February... I remember thinking that every bad thing that has ever happened to me was now finally being wiped away and now having the chance to start a life with someone who I loved more then the English language. I was so happy then. That whole time period was like a whirl-wind romance that you could only see on the big screen. I had my doubts...
It's him.
I write about Ed. my thoughts about him are awesome. I adore him so much. He is the most wonderful person in the world next to me. He makes me smile and I truly value the time that we get to spend together. The world is a better place now that he is in it.
I have my doubts.
I am not going to lie about that. I think that things between us have happened a bit too fast. This whole month together has just taken things that should wait several months to forge and they happened within the course of a few weeks. We said that we loved each other faster then any other relationship I have ever been in. we already have plans for the future despite the fact that we don't really know all that much about each other. Things are moving pretty fast for my second relationship.
I just wonder if I am the one for him.
I know I am not the easiest person to love or even like for that matter. I know that he deserves so much more then what I can offer him. He deserves the stars in the sky and I just hope to god that I am that one girl who can give them to him. I mean, he is the most perfect guy that I have ever had the pleasure to know in all my random emo kid adventures. He is thoughtful and considerate and has the most beautiful blue eyes in the free world. He can make my heart stop beating but just looking at me. He makes me so happy that I can't wait for the days to pass... I look forward to the day when I can stop calling him my boyfriend and call him my husband.
That is how much I love that white boy.
I guess I am nervous. I don't know if I am scared to let things happen. This is my life... these things are meant to happen for a reason or another. I guess I need to loosen up and live a little. If I get hurt, then it happens. I will still live. I am scared to love someone else. Today is the one year anniversary of the great break up of 2003... I guess that is the reason why I am thinking like this.
Bethankfulhappy for this moment.
This moment is your life.
Long story short, it didn't last. Like most things in my life apparently. He cheated on me and I was too stupid to see the warning signs. Like the emails to random girls on Craigslist... He tried to tell me that those were nothing and that I am the only one that he wants. All fucking lies. Oh well. I talked to him years later (this year actually) and he said that it was a combination of him not really liking me and he really wasn't ready to be married.
I was playing around with Paul's new ipod touch tonight. It brought those memories back all of a sudden to Eddie breaking off our engagement because he cheated on me. Reading anonymous emails from him to some other girl he wrote in April of 08 makes me feel like leaving this. So fucking lame.
..:: Manda @ 10:05 PM 0 comments
Tags: manda flashback, what to do?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
from the ipod touch...
I tell you, I am so in love with this damn iPod thing. I am going to have to get one of these sooner rather then later.
Paul bought "planet earth" on blu ray and we are watching it right now. I am taken back by how awesome the video quality is. And seeing the animals makes
..:: Manda @ 7:15 PM 0 comments
This ain't no funky reggae party, $5 at the door///
Song of the day: Sublime> Garden Grove
Paul got a brand new mp3 player last night...
We first went to Fry's to return something that he had bought for his younger sisters computer that he helped fix up for her 1st year at UC Merced. He took one of the things back with no problem. Because school started for us and we have both been real busy lately, we finally had time to take it back before the 'grace period' ended...
I got pissed at the manager because he was harassing Paul asking him why he waited for 30 days to return one thing but the other was done earlier. He said there was a missing piece to the part, which we told him wasn't in the original package... I pretty much told him that his policies were 'bullshit' because he said that we have to spend $12 for that missing piece before we can return the whole thing.
Long story short, he was able to return the item and had a $54 credit. We didn't need anything else (we have already bought a new 32" LCD TV, PS3... And I am getting my new computer at the end of the year) so he joked that he was gonna get an itouch to replace his old Creative mp3 player since its old (like 4 years, I think) and cant hold a charge anymore...
And he did get it. He likes it a lot.
And now I want one too! I still like my 30g Creative Vison:M but I can hold out till Apple comes out with a new upgraded and cheeper version!
..:: Manda @ 1:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lazy sun... Your eyes catch the light with promises that might come true for a while///
Song of the day: Beck> Lonesome Tears
I wish this blog was read by millions (or maybe more then my small group of friends, family & online amigos)... But not in the same way that Perez Hilton's blog is. I just want people to know my life story (and the randomness that comes along with it) and what nots. Maybe this is my last ditch effort to make it as a writer, which was my passion in life before I graduated high school at age 17...
I wanted to write. I loved it. I even managed to get into a highly respected and sought after English class when I was a Junior in high school... Honors English. Not bad for a 15 year old who was a polar opposite from everyone else in that class (I admit I was one of those 'pseudo goth-punk-skater' kids).
I don't know what happened to that passion and dream I once had. I grew up and focused all my attention on working and being part of the work force. Going to college 2 years after I graduated high school... Then taking a 'break' to work again... Now back for a 2nd time around. I almost wish I had gone to college right after high school. I would have been graduated by the time I was 21 (going on 22). Ugh. If only I had known back then. Things would have been different.
Life is funny sometimes.
& somethings just
wer'nt ment to be.
..:: Manda @ 12:27 PM 0 comments
Tags: manda flashback
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Make mistakes that someday may end up killing the reasons why you did the things you had to///
song of the day: death from above 1979> 'do it 93! (live in Rio)'
I am currently attempting to study for my math class... Yes, I know a stretch for me, right? I decided to give this class another shot and stick with it no matter what happens. I figure that the least that can happen is that I fail and have to retake it in the Spring. I'll at least have the book for the next shot around. But, so far, this section is pretty easy to follow and understand. Let's just hope it stays this way.
I need to start working on my presentation in my Public Speaking class... I hate talking infront of people. Ugh.
Once I get done with my general ed at Sacramento City College, I am gonna go to school full time at Sacramento State... Maybe work to finally getting out of Sacramento and out to San Francisco or Los Angels or maybe Seattle...
..:: Manda @ 8:59 PM 0 comments
Tags: school
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
And we'll pretend that it meant something so much more///
Song of the day: Death Cab for Cutie> Tiny Vessels
Tomorrow is 9/11...
Joy. (Manda = sarcastic)
..:: Manda @ 11:27 PM 0 comments
Tags: life, things i hate
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
You wanna know why you feel so hollow? 'Cause you are///
Song of the day: Queens of the Stone Age> Everybody Knows That You Are Insane
So Friday I have a pop quiz in math... And I don't think I am going to do good... Oh, I also have a test on Saturday morning too. I suck at studying!
I decided my first speech will be about how to crochet a handbag out of used grocery bags. Paul thinks that it's something I am good at and also something interesting I can share with the class. I hope it turns out good tho.
Today was the worst at work. I won't go into too much details since I know that the good Doctor and my office manager might read this in the near future. I am working on a mixed CD tho. Something to show how I feel. Wish me luck.
PS: Lil' Jon cracks me up... He makes me hate the words "okay", "yeah" and "what" and I always think of Dave Chapelle too.
..:: Manda @ 9:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 08, 2008
Few throwaway kisses... The boomerang misses///
Song of the day: Roxy Music> Mother of Pearl
Math still sucks but I have my first assignment for my Public Speaking class... Should be interesting. I'll update on the progress.
..:: Manda @ 11:02 PM 0 comments
Tags: school
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Neumayrs in LA & she ain't returning... I'm sleeping with people I don’t even like///
Song of the day: Bloc Party> Mercury
I hate math with a passion. Thank goodness I am getting in to a profession that does not require me to use this stupid process. Ugh. Getting this degree better be worth it.
Tomorrow is public speaking class. I have to read a lot before tomorrow afternoon... Should be interesting.
I hope this week is better then the last. ::crosses fingers::
..:: Manda @ 10:49 PM 0 comments
Tags: school
I'm a liner away from getting you into the mood///
Song of the day: Fall Out Boy> Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Paul took me to the museum yesterday to see the "American Pop" exhibit at the Crocker. It was a wonderful surprise. I usually get all giddy and happy being around art, especially Modern Art.
I bought some things from the museum store... A book about Roy Lichtenstein, 3 book markers (one of MC Eshcher for me and two of Frank Lloyd Wright and Edward Hopper Wayne Thiebaud for Paul), a post card of Lichtenstein's painting "Yellow Brush Stroke #1", a pen shaped like a slice of pizza and a figurine of Frida Kahalo (which is sitting on top of my monitor with my Clank figure.
We went to Bread Store for lunch and then spent the rest of the night having a mini marithon of watching "How I Met Your Mother" (which is now my favorite show ever)
..:: Manda @ 8:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008
They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers... In hotel rooms collecting Page Six lovers///
Song of the day: Fall Out Boy> Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
I have been listening to the same song by Fall Out Boy since Thursday... It brings back 'memories' of the things and person I once was long time ago... Which got me to start searching old blogs of mine... Do I miss what "could have been?" Not really. But it does get me to start thinking just for a little bit.
'Been looking forward to the future
but my eyesight is going bad.
& this crystal ball is
always cloudy except for
when you look into the past.
One night stand.'
The one line that I love more then anything is when he keeps repeating 'He tastes like you, only sweeter.' I think its the most beautiful set of words put together...
On a totally (un)related subject: Have I ever mentioned that I always laugh when I hear the songs "Me So Horney" by 2 Live Crew and "Poison" by Bel Biv Devo... Poison reminds me of an episode of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" in which The Gang 'Dances Their Asses Off'
..:: Manda @ 9:34 AM 0 comments
Tags: manda flashback, music
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Get me out of my mind & get you out of those clothes///
Song of the day: Fall Out Boy> Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
It's wonderful the things that people put on the internet when they think that no one is looking... It makes me happy that I only let people know what I want them to...
If only your wife knew. (how.sad)
..:: Manda @ 7:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
08.22.08 - The Watchers...
Poppy is on the left and Beasley is on the right.
..:: Manda @ 11:44 PM 0 comments
Tags: animals, project 365
08.21.08 - The tow...
Score one for the good guys...
..:: Manda @ 11:38 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.20.08 - The calendar...
But, this Snoopy one may be the new winner!
..:: Manda @ 11:01 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.19.08 - The 'Stuff White People Like'...
Manda = White... Not Hispanic
: (
..:: Manda @ 10:34 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.18.08 - The sales...
I guess they have to make some money off the dead...
..:: Manda @ 10:15 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
08.17.08 - The daliahs...
I love these flowers. Yet another of the hundred or so I took in San Francisco at the de Young and Legion of Honor. When I get a house, I am getting these flowers.
The weekend was pretty enjoyable. I had the best time in San Francisco with Paul going to the museums. It was also nice to get out of Sacramento since the stupid State Fair is going on till Labor Day.
I just wish I had more time to work on all those photos I took this weekend : )
..:: Manda @ 10:38 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.16.08 - The museums...
I think I had a heart attack being in a huge room with 6 Rodin sculptures.
Being here reminded me of why I am going to school. Like a confirmation (affirmation, perhaps?) that I am where I want to be in life and also in the world.
I also got a taste of the other art in the world... Like the Native American/ Indian art and also the art from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
I am who I want to be. The end.
..:: Manda @ 10:25 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.15.08 - The office dogs...
Dog day at work...
I wish I had a dog to bring to work with me like Sara and Dr D does. One day... I am in no big hurry.
One of our patients brought in his little Yorkie puppy into the office. He is the sweetest little guy I have ever seen. Too small for me tho. Beagle is the perfect size!
..:: Manda @ 10:09 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Sunday, August 17, 2008
08.14.08 - The bulldog...
..:: Manda @ 11:15 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.13.08 - The movie...
..:: Manda @ 10:36 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.12.08 - The bird feeder...
..:: Manda @ 10:11 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Thursday, August 14, 2008
08.10.08 - The artist (Beasley)...
The other day, I was throwing away something and I looked at the bar (my dad made Paul and myself a bar to house all of our "adult beverages" and accessories) and Beasley was sitting there with all my paints and canvas'.
He is the sweetest thing in the world. I am so happy that Paul and Beasley's paths crossed when they did. That boy always knows how to cheer me up.
..:: Manda @ 2:08 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
08.09.08 - The bear pimp...
Those little kids totally made me smile.
Oh yeah, we also saw Pineapple Express... Loved it!
..:: Manda @ 10:44 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.08.08 - The Olympics...
The opening ceremonies were the most awesome thing ever! Last time I watched the Olympics was in 1996! GO USA!!!!
..:: Manda @ 10:30 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.07.08 - The Arnold Palmer...
You would be surprised on how many people (mostly stupid girl waitresses at chain restaurants) don't know what that drink is.
..:: Manda @ 9:53 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Saturday, August 09, 2008
08.06.08 - The 'Little Thoughts'...
"Been thinking little thoughts
Keep on walking try to stand up
Pay attention to the details
We go slowly, slowly down"
-Bloc Party 'Little Thoughts'
So, I haven't had my period still. It's been bothering me for the last few days... I am usually a 'beginning of the month' girl... I finally realized this on the 6th that I still hadn't had my 3
Trust me, I am not ready to have kids or thinking of having any. I am probably the last person who should be having kids at the moment. I e-mailed Paul about my realization and when I came home (after eating dinner and relaxing after another 'wonderful' day of work, I went to Walgreen's to get a pregnancy test, just to be sure.
The test turned out negative... But still no period...
..:: Manda @ 5:37 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.05.08 - The road block...
Instead of parking in another spot temporarily, this is what happened...
I went to the corer store during work to get some cough drops for Dr D. I told him that I went downstairs to take a picture of the scene and he said that I am "gonna put this up on [my] website"
The cat is out of the bag!
..:: Manda @ 4:45 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Friday, August 08, 2008
08.04.08 - The homecoming...
It's good to have my PapaBear home with me.
..:: Manda @ 8:10 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Sunday, August 03, 2008
08.03.08 - The question...
Everyone, seriously, please get off my nuts about me not being married or engaged... or having kids yet.
I am 20fucking4 years old... I hate kids... I spend too much time playing on the PS3... I spend all my money on useless crap (like more video games)...
I love Paul with all my heart but WE are not ready for that right now.
(but don't think that the idea hasn't crossed my mind a few times)
..:: Manda @ 10:50 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.02.08 - The damage...
Not bad. Decided to keep it as is... More as an experiment, I suppose. I have always been the kind of girl to try different things when it comes to my hair... I can always re-dye it later if I wanted to.
Paul went to Las Vegas for his sisters 21st birthday. He will be back Monday night... I have to pick him up at the airport at 9ish at night.
Here is to another weekend alone!
..:: Manda @ 10:40 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
08.01.08 - The generaion gap...
Please tell me that this is NOT how the young kids in the world dress these days!? WTF! Seriously? This "Hannah Montana" bitch needs to go away fast! Another reason why I don't want kids!
Thank you,
Amanda Ramirez
..:: Manda @ 10:32 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.31.08 - The hair color...
And I shouldn't do it at 1030pm...
And I probably shouldn't dye Paul's hair the same color as me too...
Pretty much, my hair looked like I had bleached it... Paul and I ended up going to Walgreen's at 1130pm to get a new box to fix the problem!
Lame. I totally suck sometimes...
..:: Manda @ 10:28 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.30.08 - The construction...
..:: Manda @ 10:25 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
07.29.08 - The studio hybrid...
Paul said that he might get me this for an early birthday present or I have about $1600 saved up in my savings account.
Oh yeah, my favorite player from the Angels (Casey Kotchman) was traded to the Atlanta Braves... Its so sad.
..:: Manda @ 10:19 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.28.08 - The Angels...
Angels = win the World Series!
..:: Manda @ 10:08 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.27.08 - The apple cat...
All I got was a lousy notebook to take notes in. The kids backpacks are cute tho... Well, only the 2 Hello Kitty ones that I saw. Maybe when I get knocked up, I'll get my little girl a Kitty bag to take to school. I know my mom likes it. She loves those things!
4 more weeks till school starts. (joy)
..:: Manda @ 9:42 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.26.08 - The book (Frog & Toad)...
..:: Manda @ 9:26 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.25.08 - The anniversary...
-mashed potatoes with bacon and shallots
-steamed green beans
-garlic bread
-corned beef (made all from scratch)
(we had nothing to drink, so I resorted to drinking one of the last 2 Sparks we had in the fridge)
Here is to another year with the best-est friend ever!
..:: Manda @ 9:07 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Saturday, July 26, 2008
07.24.08 - The peanut sauce...
:) it was good tho.
Oh yeah, there is a bottle of gin in the background... Gin and Tonic, baby!
..:: Manda @ 2:23 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.23.08 - The store (Whole Foods)...
It was also the first day back to work... Drama like usual. Not that bad tho. My goal for the new half of the year is to do the best job that I can and to not bring home the drama from work home with me. (good.luck)
..:: Manda @ 1:33 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.22.08 - The car wash...
A while ago, we both got these free coupons for a car wash at this place called The Pavilions Car Wash (it's in Fair Oaks in the nice part of town). I took Paul with me since the place was like 300 feet from the Boston Market. I swear, my car was the only domestic car there (I drive a 2005 Ford Focus, mind you) and also the least "fancy" car (there was a Porche, some Lexus' and lots of other new cars). Felt inadequate but I finally got that damn car washed (finally).
Ended up at Rite Aide. Got some items (hair dye and Dove bar soap for me) and spent more time then I would like to admit in the hair color, soap/body wash sections.
What a lame way to end my 13 day paid vacation!
..:: Manda @ 1:23 AM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Friday, July 25, 2008
07.21.08 - The rum...
I bought a book by Christopher Moore called "You Suck"... Should be fun! I read another one of his books called "A Dirty Job" and loved it. Now, its time to read more books!!! Wish me luck on that.
Oh yeah, Mom and Dad went to Los Angeles to visit Grandma. I wish I went.
..:: Manda @ 11:47 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.20.08 - The cut...
Also saw the new Batman "The Dark Knight" movie... Interesting but some what disappointed. Lame.
..:: Manda @ 11:34 PM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
Monday, July 21, 2008
07.19.08 - The birthday (Mom)...
-Woke up at 8am to get my paycheck from Sara's home in Antelope.
-Stopped by Mom and Dad's since I was in the area.
-Deposited my check at the bank.
-Got coffee for Paul and me.
-Stopped at the Hello Kitty store to get some goodies for Mom's birthday gift bag I bought the other day.
-Went to Mom and Dad's.
-Watched some tattoo shows with Paul and Mom and Dad.
-Matt's girlfriend came over and made a cake for Mom and who also brought her SON over! WTF!
..:: Manda @ 9:41 AM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.18.08 - The surgery...
I played GTA4 till 3AM... Ugh.
..:: Manda @ 9:31 AM 0 comments
Tags: project 365
07.17.08 - The last meal...
..:: Manda @ 9:19 AM 0 comments
Tags: project 365