Monday, March 02, 2009

Kiss me where your eye won't meet me... Meet me where your eye won't flick me///

Song of the day: Franz Ferdinand> No You Girls

Things I love...

Franz Ferdinand. I thank Paul for downloading their new album. It is so catchy and sexy. Goal for next year: Make a pilgrimage to see Coachella in 2010. I would love to go this year (I would pick day one because of Franz and We Are Scientist) and I know I can probably stay with my Aunt and Uncle who live outside of Indio. Ugh. One day. First, a trip to Europe (South of France) then more concert/ festivals.

Anyways, listening to Franz got me to remembering seeing them in concert with Death Cab for Cutie back in 2006 (before I met Paul) and how much fun I had going to a concert alone.