Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sweet reunion Jamaica and Spain... We're like how we were again///

Ugh. So, Beasley is sick or something along those lines. He has been sneezing since last night and woke me up on a few occasions. I am getting a little worried about him to be honest. I told Paul that if he is like this tonight (watery eyes, sneezing, looking miserable), we might need to take him to the Vet to see what is going on with him. Maybe I do worry too much about my cats, but I keep thinking that him and Poppy depend on us to survive. They are our responsibilities. If he does have to go to the vet, I hope it doesn't cost too much. *crosses fingers*

I got a gift card to Starbucks from another Chiropractor who does special exams over in our office from time to time. $15!!! It's nice to feel appreciated sometimes in life. If only I could get more people to give me money as a gift : ) Then we will be in business!

I also got the idea of getting a tattoo while Paul is gone for a week in Mid-June for his sisters Lauren's high school graduation. I still dont know what I want to get but hopefully I will soon. I was thinking of something on my right hip close to the back area... Maybe som cherry blossoms... Who knows. It might never happen. Still, a girl can dream.